

A simple, yet powerful RSS reader

RSS & Atom

Gather all your news-sources into one handy reader


Define keywords to automatically group articles into tags.


Highlight important tags as favorites


Keep track of your read articles in a timeline view


Found a article but no time to read it now? No problem, just bookmark it and read it later on.


Search your feed to find those articles you are looking for.


Use iCloud to sync your sources, tags and read articles over all your Apple devices.

Background updates

Ticker can sync your news-feeds every 30 minutes, 1, 2 or every 4 hours either on wifi only or also on cellular networks.


Never miss the most important news. Define which tags should show up as a notification so you won't miss them.

Mute keywords

Define keywords your are not interested in and mute them for one day, a week, month or forever


Show the number of unread, tagged, favorite or bookmarked articles that are unread as badge-count on the app-icon.

Easy to tweak

Customize the appearance as you like. Set a color, show images, show article description, ...

Privacy friendly

Ticker is designed in a privacy friendly way. Ticker does not track anything, nor does it store data of you outside your device or your iCloud. It's that simple.